Pressure reducer with Y-filter and pressure gauge

(VT.082.N) The VT.082 pressure reducer is meant for regulated pressure reduction (damping) of the working medium in cold and hot water supply circuits at the entry point of pipeline in the apartment. The regulation takes place in “Following” mode. The reducer is fitted with a pressure gauge, which enables the exact configuration of output pressure and lets you control pressure in the taps. To protect the inner gaskets and internal impulse lines the reducer also has a Y-filter with 200 µm mesh. The cap of the Y-filter has a sealing hole. As per its structure the reducer is: piston, spring and regulated. The output pressure is set using a flat screwdriver. The reducer is repairable. Any of its parts can be repaired or changed. This reducer is recommended for use right after the input valve, before the water meter.

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* Prices shown are recommended retail prices by the manufacturer


Pressure reducers for water